Engleski za početnike
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Waiter: Here’s your table.
Woman: Thank you.
Man: Well, what have you got today, then?
Waiter: Well, there is boiled fish or perhaps roast chicken or grilled fillet steak?
Woman: No, I’ll not have any meat.
Waiter: Well, would you like a mushroom omelet, then?
Woman: That’s a good idea.
Man: And the chicken for me. What will you have to drink?
Woman: Me? White wine, please.
Man : And I’ll have a pint of beer.
Waiter: Here you are. White wine and a beer. Your omelet, sir and your chicken, madam.
Woman: All the way round. The chicken is for him and the omelet is for me.
Waiter: Oh, I’m sorry. Here you are.
Man: This is good.
Woman: Yes, this tastes delicious.

Ovde je vaš sto.
Dakle, šta imate danas?
Pa, tu je kuvana riba ili možda pečena piletina ili odrezak sa roštilja?
Ne neću nikakvo meso.
A da li bi ste možda želeli omlet sa pečurkama?
To je dobra ideja
I piletina za mene. Šta ćete za piće?
Ja? Vino molim vas.
A ja ću jednu kriglu piva.
Izvolite, vino i pivo.. Vaš omlet gospodine i piletina za vas gospođo.
Obrnuto. Piletina je za njega a omlet je za mene..
Oh, izvinite. Izvolite.
Sada je uredu.
Da. Veoma je ukusno.

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